Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Untuk Wilayah JAWABARAT dan Sekitarnya

Lowongan PT Lotte Shopping Indonesia

PT Lotte Mart Indonesia and PT Lotte Shopping Indonesia are subsidiary companies of Lotte Group, one of the Top Five biggest groups with diverse businesses in Korea** and one of the leading multinational retail companies in Indonesia. Currently, we have 38 stores across Indonesia and still counting.

Our value is :
Customer Focus; We highly care about our customer, our team always make sure that our customer get an extraordinary shopping experiences and we always provide only a excellent product & excellent service
Originally; Our team always looking for a new ways to serve our customer better than before, we never stop learning and we loves to grow
Partnership; We sure about one thing: team work will bring us to perfection & success together, so we do care about each other and build a good communication within our team
Responsibiliy; Our team realized, our customer's satisfaction depend to our product & services, that makes us being responsible to every aspect of our services and every task we are doing
Passion; We believe our passion will drive us to be excellent in what we do, that's the reason why our team always in high spirit & full of passion in serving our customer
Lowongan  PT Lotte Shopping Indonesia
Untuk Posisi :

Local Buyer Fresh Food Store Tasikmalaya

Untuk Melamar Klik PT Lotte Shopping Indonesia

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